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Cutting Spurs - VIEW MORE PHOTOS

Style CS-001


Style RS-001

Bull Riding Spurs - VIEW MORE PHOTOS

Style BS-001

Hollis Hackamore Bits - VIEW MORE PHOTOS

Style BT-001

onstructed by hand, utilizing the finest materials, R14 Custom Spurs are no less than unique works of art.
The photos displayed here are but a small sample of R14 craftsmanship.

"When they lay me
down to rest,
put my spurs and rope
upon my chest.
Get my friends
to carry me,
then go and turn
my horses free"

– Epitaph –
Clyde Kennedy

"Don't squat
with your spurs on."

"Always drink upstream
from the herd."

©2006 R14 Custom Spurs · Skidmore, Texas · (361) 287-3899